March 16, 2019
Purchased it for my grandson,he is 7 years old,for his bday..he really likes it.i thought it would be close to full size,but I was happy to see that it's not.just his size for small fingers.I was surprised to see it wasn't damaged,t wasn't packed very well.Everything was included.Only other issue,is the string nut is filed to deep,makes it very difficult to stop fret buzz.Played well after raising the bridge.Stayes in tune well for cheap tuners.Controls and pickups were surprisingly good.After ...
Purchased it for my grandson,he is 7 years old,for his bday..he really likes it.i thought it would be close to full size,but I was happy to see that it's not.just his size for small fingers.I was surprised to see it wasn't damaged,t wasn't packed very well.Everything was included.Only other issue,is the string nut is filed to deep,makes it very difficult to stop fret buzz.Played well after raising the bridge.Stayes in tune well for cheap tuners.Controls and pickups were surprisingly good.After a few adjustments it players and sounds good.Fretboard and maple neck were also good for the price.would recommend if you have some knowledge on how to set up correctly