Home  >  Reviews  >  Guitars Reviews  >  Ukuleles Reviews  >  Glarry UK102 23inch Concert Rosewood Fingerboard Basswood Ukulele Black White Reviews
Reviews of Glarry UK102 23inch Concert Rosewood Fingerboard Basswood Ukulele Black White
4.5 5 11

Customer Reviews(11)

by J***D

on July 24, 2021

I love the feel of the ukelele but some of the frets sounds have always been off. I showed it to an experienced player and they said that it's possible that it wasn't perfectly leveled when it was made. Is this something you can help me with? The same sound is made on two frets where my middle finger lies, also the top fret sounds off as well. Thank you.

Service Team:

Sorry for the inconvenience caused to you! We appreciate your support for Glarry. We have already reflected your question to our development department and quality control department. We would censor more rigidly on our products and improve their quality. Our Customer - Service will contact you soon. Glarry